Visualization has been used for centuries to convert ideas into reality. Elite athletes are very familiar with visualization exercises because it has been shown to improve performance again and again. In fact, studies have shown that even those who just think about exercise are able to maintain and increase performance. Similar results have been found in musical skills, public speaking, and goal setting. This has to do with the fact that the neurons in our brains do not completely make the distinction between imagery and real action. Though visualization exercises should not replace the actual events themselves, they can be a powerful tool in achieving and improving them. Here are some principles to help you visualize your way to better health!
Be as detailed as possible (use senses): What is it you want to actualize? What does it look like? What does it feel like? Smell like? Taste like? Sound like? What will life be like when you accomplish it? Feel those feelings. Elite athletes see in clear detail what that championship looks and feels like.
Picture the exact steps you will take to get there: What does the journey look like? What obstacles will you face? How will you overcome them? Again, be as detailed as possible.
Physically manifest: Take your visualizations and transfer them to a tangible format. This could be a dream/vision board. It could be writing them down in a journal. It could be verbal affirmations.
Express gratitude: Live as you already have achieved the goal. Feel those feelings you have visualized. Feel deep gratitude for the goal you have accomplished. Gratitude is the deepest emotion connected to actualization.
Put in the work: Continue to foster gratitude and those feelings associated with your visualization as you make physical progress towards the goal.
There are many techniques for practicing visualization. I like to implement it as part of my daily meditation practice and cold shower exercises. Find a technique that allows you to practice this consistently.