Goal Setting Tips

Happy New Year! Studies show that 50% of people in the U.S. make New Year’s resolutions (most of them health-related)…

But only 10% stick to them.

So what are the 10% doing to keep their commitments?

Here are the top 6 patterns of successful goal-setters:

  1. Understand your why

  2. Write down your goals

  3. Break up goals into smaller achievable actions

  4. Surround yourself with supportive people

  5. Stay accountable

  6. Be patient with yourself but determined

Why I Use Blue Light Glasses

If you’re like me (and most of my patients), you are probably spending increasingly more time in front of a screen. While we can certainly get a lot done with these devices, the effects of these screens can be harmful to our eyes, especially when we are looking at them non-stop. I’ve been using blue light glasses for the past couple years and have noticed an improvement in avoiding eye strain. Here are some reasons I wear blue light blocking glasses, and why you might consider using them yourself.

What is Blue Light?

To put it simply, the colors you see on your screen, and all around you are a combination of the color spectrum. The blue waves are the shortest and therefore output the most energy. Blue light can be both beneficial and harmful.  

The blue light on your screen is human-made and much more potent than the natural blue light you get outside. The blue light emitted from your computer, tablet, and smartphone is significant. Given the amount of time we spend on our screens, this type of light can cause harmful side effects. 

Wearing glasses that block the blue light can be beneficial to your health. 

Better Sleep

Because blue light has such a high energy level, it also energizes the brain. The blue light causes a delay in the release of melatonin, which helps get you to sleep.  

The best way to counteract this is to stop using your devices one to two hours before bed; however, blue light blocking glasses will allow you to use your device right before bedtime.

Reduces Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARM)

ARM is one of the leading causes of blindness. Using blue light blocking glasses can help prevent or delay the condition. 

Studies have shown that blue light can damage light sensitive cells in the retina causing blindness.

Helps with Eye Strain

When you look at your device for an extended time, your eyes start to feel tired. Glasses that filter blue light can help you focus and reduce the strain on your eyes. As a result, your eyes don’t feel as tired.  

Make sure that you are taking regular breaks from your screen as well as reducing your screen time. Using glasses that filter blue light can help reduce the harmful effects of using your devices all day long.

Morning Routines for Success

What is your Force? What are your morning routines?

Isaac Newton’s laws of motion teach us that an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by a force. It also assumes the opposite- an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force. 

If we remain at rest, we are hostage to either staying motionless or being moved by whatever external forces happen to move us (negative or positive). On the other hand, seemingly small choices can build the momentum necessary to make great changes in our lives. 

That is why our morning routines are so impactful. These little routines set the pace for the day and can lead to significant results. As we make them a habit, our progress will be difficult to stop and there’s no telling what we can accomplish!

Below are a few ideas of High Performance morning routines:

  • Drink water

  • Exercise

  • Read

  • Write

  • Meditation

  • Breathing exercises

  • Pray

  • Affirmations

  • Cold shower

  • Stretch

  • Make your bed

  • Stay away from your phone for an hour

How Do Naps Improve Your Health?

Napping seems like a luxury we don’t get enough of. However, it has been shown that naps are extremely beneficial for the brain and overall productivity, especially during the 60-90 minute range. Plan your day right and you can reap the rewards of taking even a small nap. Here are the different benefits depending on the length of your nap:

10-20 Minutes

  • Reduces sleepiness

  • Improves cognitive performance

  • Increases alertness, attention, and energy levels

  • Improves mood

  • Improves motor performance

  • Reduces stress levels

20-30 Minutes

  • Enhances creativity

  • Sharpens memory

30-60 Minutes

  • Sharpens decision-making skills

    • Including memorization and recall

  • Improves memory preservation

  • Improves cognitive performance

60-90 Minutes

  • Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is critical for problem-solving

  • Helps make new connections in the brain

  • Enhances creativity

  • Reduces negative reactivity

  • Promotes happiness