What is your Force? What are your morning routines?
Isaac Newton’s laws of motion teach us that an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by a force. It also assumes the opposite- an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by a force.
If we remain at rest, we are hostage to either staying motionless or being moved by whatever external forces happen to move us (negative or positive). On the other hand, seemingly small choices can build the momentum necessary to make great changes in our lives.
That is why our morning routines are so impactful. These little routines set the pace for the day and can lead to significant results. As we make them a habit, our progress will be difficult to stop and there’s no telling what we can accomplish!
Below are a few ideas of High Performance morning routines:
Drink water
Breathing exercises
Cold shower
Make your bed
Stay away from your phone for an hour